Wispa Helps You Achieve Your Goal





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Our Features

Industrial Features

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Management Features

Super Charge

Cross-Functional Work

Want to drive efficiency across your organization? With Wispa, you can deliver high-quality work on time and in a timely manner. You can control cross-functional processes in a single, easy-to-use workboard, preventing bottlenecks and keeping your organization on the same page.

Use the Ultimate AI Writing Assistant within Wispa for Your Business Needs !

Save Time and Effort

With ChatGPT, business owners can save time and effort in writing emails, messages, and chats. The AI-powered tool can assist in drafting high-quality content quickly and efficiently.

Improve Communication

ChatGPT can help improve communication by ensuring that all written communications are clear, concise, and professional. This can help to build trust and credibility with customers and clients.

Personalized Assistance

ChatGPT can also provide personalized assistance for special occasions such as birthdays or when writing letters or documents. The AI-powered tool can suggest appropriate language and tone to ensure that your message is well-received.

Accessible and Convenient

ChatGPT is available 24/7 and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it a convenient tool for busy business owners who need to communicate effectively and efficiently on the go.

Affordable Solution

ChatGPT is an affordable solution for businesses of all sizes, providing access to high-quality writing assistance without the need for additional staff or resources. This can help businesses to save costs and improve their bottom line.

 ChatGPT is the property of Open.AI; both free and paid versions are available.

Manage, control and have 360 visibility of your business from one Holistic Solution

Team Management

Track absenteeism, authorize leave, record incidents or accidents. Team contracts and documents, position progress.

Front Page

Keep the business up to date with the latest news, Announcements. Your business vision and mission statements.


Have your fingers on the pulse, and allow your team to pass feedback or suggestions, privately or named.

Accountable meetings, Internal or public

Avoid tasks and decisions falling through the cracks—track incompleted work from previous meetings. Automatically send minutes and notes to all participants.

Video Conferencing and audio calling

All in our solution, or simply use your own.

Trusted Advisor and Coach center

Manage and have total visibility of multiple clients with real-time communication. Protect your relationship and add value.

Conversation Inbox

Why change? Easily sync and manage Slack -WhatsApp – Gmail, and Outlook.


Track team time and activity.


Assign goals to teams or members. Monitor and communicate, and break down goals into smaller objectives. Remain focused and reach those targets with ease.

Power Reports

If you don’t measure, then you cannot manage and improve. Integrate with PowerBi and your KPI’s.